about PlasticGuy

    PlasticGuy was created for plastic companies, by a person who has experience in the field. The PlasticGuy project was started in 1997. Since then, it has gone through major changes to make it what it is today.

PlasticGuy's Simple and Easy Quote Processing...

    makes toiling over a calculator and pads of paper a thing of the past! PlasticGuy's quick quote generation gives you the ability to quote customers in no time. In most cases, over the phone! This will leave your customers satisfied and may lead to profit increases.

PlasticGuy's simple User interface...

    makes it easy to use and figure out in no time. By keeping the interface simple and hassle-free, quotes can be calculated at a phenomenal rate.

Utilities such as...

    the Customer Database Manager and File Display make it easy to manage all facets of quote calculations. Customers can be managed through the Customer Database Manager and all files generated with PlasticGuy can be viewed in File Display.

Continuing improvements...

    to PlasticGuy have made it into what it is today and will be in the future. Current plans are to expand the usage of the Customer Database Manager,and give you more control over the variables in the quote calculation